Gorillas stay lean and muscular all year due to warmer weather and eating habits. They dont fight or hunt like Bears and wolves so their focus is on growing muslce in order to intimidate other males.

Looking to lean out and get jacked?

Gorillas must pack on muscle to compete against other males in the troop. If they want to protect their families and food, they must be willing to fight. Silverback gorillas are extremely strong and spend most of their day moving, eating, and chilling. Anabolic growth is a top priority for their survival. Because they live in warmer regions, food is plentiful year round and they do not need as much fat for insulation.

  • Gorillas dont hunt and have access to a variety of food sources year round. In order to eat, they must climb, break branches, and fight other males.

  • Gorillas must climb trees, break branches, and fight other males for food. They eat consistently and are always in an anabolic state in order to fuel muscle growth.

  • Because gorillas don’t hunt, they can stay calm and chill most of the day. Competition is more for females and dominance instead of food. Stress levels are low and cortisol levels rarely spike.

Whey protein isolate
collagen protein
greek yogurt

sweet potatoes

CHICKEN thighs
90/10 ground beef
mahi mahi

olive oil
brown rice


Wolf Mode (Cutting)